Botox for hair

Botox Technology is a new trend in the field of treatment and restoration of the structure of curls. It is ideal for hair that has been overstyled, split, dull and lifeless. After this procedure, they get a second life and look incredibly healthy and well-groomed. The intra-silane molecule acts as the main ingredient: when interacting with water, it penetrates deep into the hair shaft and fills in the smallest damage. Hair Botox also contains vitamins, hyaluronic acid, keratin, amino acids, natural oils and extracts.
For bleached or highlighted hair, only Botox is recommended. Since the hair is very chemically attacked during the blonding process, it needs to be restored. In addition, the procedure removes yellowness.
Suitable for oily hair - will improve the condition of curls
Coloring is best done in advance and choose a color brighter than usual, as the pigment under the iron may fade. After the procedure, it is advisable to dye your hair no earlier than two weeks later.

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