Cauterization kit Soupleliss Keratina Absolut Recovery, 500+500ml

160,00 BRL

Cauterization kit Soupleliss Keratina Absolut Recovery, 500+500ml

160,00 BRL

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The kit includes:
Absolut Recovery Shampoo 500 ml
Keratin Hydrolysis Absolut Recovery 500 ml
Souple Liss Professional Hair Cleansing Shampoo has been developed using innovative technology to open the hair cuticle as a precursor to starting the hair cauterization process, preparing the hair for treatment and achieving better results.
Souple Liss Professional Absolute Repair Keratin was formulated to fill part of the hair fiber and provide a final finish, closing the cuticle, leaving hair stronger, more resilient and much healthier. Its composition, enriched with quinoa, rice and keratin proteins linked to more than 10 amino acids, guarantees a confident, fast and effective treatment.

Volume: 500 + 500 ml

Ph level: 4-5

Purpose of the product: hair protection and restoration

Benefits: protects hair from external influences, strengthens, nourishes and restores cuticle

For what hair: for all hair types

Wearing period: 2-3 months

Indications: weakened, brittle and lifeless hair that requires hydration and protection

Contraindications: no

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